Confirmed: Ukrainian Refugees in England are Being Mobilised to the Russian Front!
By AussieCossack
James, from Ipswich, UK, is a participant in the UK Government’s “Houses for Ukraine” initiative and hosts a young refugee couple from Ukraine who is approximately 25–30 years old.
On January 30, he received an official letter from the Department for Equality, Housing and Communities of the UK Government, which was initiated by the Ukrainian Embassy in London and in which he was required to provide the following information:
– Do you shelter Ukrainian refugees?
– Are there any Ukrainian males over the age of 18 among the refugees?
– If a male refugee has left his place of residence, report his possible whereabouts and other available information!
– Personal data of a male refugee over the age of 18?
In turn, refugees must visit the Ukrainian embassy in order to “clarify their personal data on an individual basis” (get a summons).
What does this mean? Most likely, Ukrainian male refugees over the age of 18 who are in Europe will be mobilized through the Ukrainian embassies in those countries, but not be sent to Ukraine. At least for the next few months.
Why spend money on logistics to transport Ukrainian mobilized for training to Europe, if Europe already has a sufficient number of Ukrainian men over the age of 18?
Thus, male Ukrainian refugees are being sent to military bases for training in handling NATO equipment, which will then be transferred to Ukraine. A logical and cost-effective initiative.
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